Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The Journey That Became A Trip

My announced Pentecost journey didn't turn out as I wanted. I did manage to sail north to the Sea Of Kattegat, but it turned out to be a trip instead of a journey.
The difference between a trip and a journey is, according to me, the following:
A Journey is an adventure in its own right, the destination is secondary.
A Trip is a transport from place A to B. The destination is the primary objective for undertaking the trip.
My journey was in that sense, made into a trip already in the planning of it. I wanted to reach Kattegat, and I wanted to visit a friend, Ulf, in Kulhuse on the way. The destinations was suddenly primary objectives, that had to be met.
But in spite of that revelation, it was a fantastic trip.

Friday I sailed all 30 km., 17 nautical miles, to Kulhuse, a small town at the entrance to the Fjord. I only had one stop on my way, but that was only because the landing at my second planned stop, showed itself hard to reach because of very shallow waters. Fantastic weather with the wind at my back all the way. Sometimes I lost myself in the rhythm of the paddling and the reflexion of the sun in the water. Guess it’s the paddlers equivalent of ‘runners high’.
When I arrived at Kulhuse, I and my kayak was picked up by my friend, and driven the 1.5 km. to his house. His wife, his son and the wife of his son was already there. And there was much rejoicing (and beer).

Saturday we went fishing at the harbor. We caught nothing but had a nice day anyway. I also had a chance to inspect the shelter at Kulhuse. Very nice place right at the harbor. There is a pub, a pizzeria and toilets at the harbor also, and about 0.5 km away there is a supermarket. There was even firewood for a bonfire at the shelter. The easiest way to get ashore at Kulhuse, is to paddle to the innermost  part of the small harbor. There is a ramp on which there are some wooden planks. The shelter is just up the road past the pub/pizzeria, and then to the left. You can't miss it.

Whit Sunday was the day to reach Kattegat. Almost no wind, and a cloudless sky. It didn't take long to launch the kayak and off I went. Ulf went on his bicycle, and we agreed to meet up at the beach at the house of Knud Rasmussen. So I sailed into Isefjorden, past Lynæs and Hundested, and finally I was sailing on a real Sea :)
On the way back we met up again just past the harbor at Lynæs. Standing there, on a sandbar, at the feet of some cliffs, looking into Isefjorden and Roskildefjord, everything felt right.

Whit Monday started with a little bicycle trip to see the sights of Kulhuse and its surroundings. Notably there is an island on the west side, in Isefjorden, with trees, where I think a little tent and a Trangia cooker would fit nicely on an adventure.

On my way back into Roskildefjord I had some relatively big waves to deal with, as the wind had picked up. Other than that it was just as easy as the way up. I did get two breaks, and instead of sailing all the way to Jyllinge, I stopped at Skulderlev to use the shelter there. Again a nice shelter. I really appreciate the effort someone have made to build all of those shelters, it is brilliant.

Tuesday I woke up at half past four. Grey sky and a fair bit of wind from west. I ate my breakfast, packed the kayak, and paddled the last 6 km. back to Jyllinge. I was home safe and sound at ten o'clock.
Logged 78 km. TOY = 214 km.

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