Friday, 18 May 2012

Down By The Waterline

My day started with a bit of training (remember PRO? I’m still at it). I only worked my legs ‘cause the weather was alright for once, and I wanted to go paddling.
At a quarter past one, pm, I launched and went south. A breeze, force moderate to fresh, was blowing from SE and the fjord was a mix of areas with whitecaps and areas with ripples only.
I went to Veddelev, a small village by the fjord just north of Roskilde.
Here's a little picture of the spot where I had my usual ‘halfway-meal’ (two bananas).

BTW: I’m writing reviews of my kayak and of my camera. I will post them in the days to come, but be warned, they are lengthy.
Logged 18 km. TOY = 84.

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