Thursday, 3 May 2012

Translocation II, Part II

Another perfect day. Sun is shining, the wind is a mild breeze and it blows from the north so it will be at my back. And today is the day I will sail my kayak down to my new club.
So the day started, and it only got better.
As written in the former post, I also received my new camera today. Unfortunately it had to charge the battery and I didn't had time to wait for it.
I started from Frederikssund at 5 pm., and it was nearly perfect. Nearly because the difference between the air and water temperature got too great. According to a safety rule of thumb you should always dress to get wet. Well, the water temperature was 10°c and the air temperature in the sun was about 25°c. I just couldn't wear my jacket. So only Long Johns, a t-shirt, a swim west and a cap. It was so very wrong of me, right?
Perfect sailing condition. Of Cause I had to spoil it a bit by being injured trying to open my day hatch. I still can't figure out how it happened, but while I was trying to open the hatchet, a nasty sound emitted from my hand and I felt a lot of pain. Luckily it only means I have to tape two of my fingers together so they can support each other and I can still paddle.
On the way down south I visited Værebro Å for a brief spell. It is definitely worth a closer inspection another day.
When I arrived at Jyllinge, I called my daughter and son, both of whom live nearby with their mother, my ex-wife, so they could help their poor old injured father with his kayak. It was quite pleasant.
Logged 12 km. TOY = 42 km.

Below is a picture of Jyllinge Sejlklub taken with my mobile phone.

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